Monday, February 27, 2012

Just sent this posting to a bunch of Grumman Goose enthusiasts... do you think I will get some of these guys into the museum this summer?

A model four foot wingspan Grumman Goose by Terry Richardson of Ketchikan Alaska is on display at a museum in Juneau Alaska.  The doll museum is curated by an Alaska Coastal Airlines mechanic/pilot’s daughter, Mary Ellen Frank and she has set up a display of her father’s ephemera and commissioned the model plane.  In the next two years, Frank is scheduled to complete figures of her father as a mechanic then pilot, in the uniforms of the airline, which merged with Alaska Airlines in the late 60’s.  

Unusual items in the display include items connected to the summer 1971 Alaska Airlines tourist flights into the Soviet Union, which Frank’s father Richard helped man.

Included in the ephemera is a totally cute and usable doll sized metal samovar my Dad got on one of the flights into the Soviet Union. 

Turns out fellow NIADA doll artist, Tatiana Baeva, who helped me identify this five inch samovar, had one as a child too and may have torn into her storage to find hers.

See more on the confab between ME here in Juneau Alaska and Tatiana in Moscow Russia via Skype on the NIADA blog doll sized samovar.